Wednesday, April 28, 2010

read! Depressed People Eat More Chocolate. . .

In this article, the researchers studied 931 adults who doesn't use antidepressants.

Subjects who screened positive for depression, reported consuming significantly more chocolate than those not screening positive for depression (8.4 vs. 5.4 servings per month!). Those with higher scores consumes 11.8 servings of chocolate per month.

According to the researchers, several nutrient factors that could be linked to mood, such as increased caffeine, fat, carbohydrate, or energy intake, bore no significant correlation with mood symptoms, suggesting relative specifity of the chocolate finding.

"A lot of people perceive that they get a mood lift when they eat chocolate, whether it's true or whether it's short lived, which is why people with higher depression scores are still seen as eating more chocolate," is unclear Dr. Golomb said.

In the researchers sample, it says that, if there is a 'treatment benefit,' it did not suffice to overcome the depressed mood on average.

It's also said that people who crave for chocolate and judge it as beneficial when depressed may be "more likely to have certain personality styles." these personality styles reflect "neuroticism or what we would call emotional dysregulation."

Further researches are needed to determine whether chocolate has a role in depression.

good thing i read this article because i also believed that eating chocolate when depressed brightens up someone's mood. like when i'm depressed, i also eat chocolate like the others and thinks that this will lighten up my mood.
So, the next time we eat chocolate when depressed and then feel like we get a mood lift we just have to be reminded that it is only just on our minds and is not yet proven by research. . .



  1. shocks.. i used to be chocoltate addicted!

  2. anyway.. I still love chocolates. Although CHOCOLATES cannot uplift my feelings when I'm depressed, satisfies me. haha!

  3. i love chocolates. please give me one! :P

  4. i agree on what you said xong,, it is somehow only in our minds:))

  5. i also love chocolates:) but i don't eat chocolates when I'm depress, I eat it whenever I like it..:)

  6. wow!! i love chocolates a lot even i'm depressed or not :) good article :P
